Breast Augmentation

  • Breast Augmentation in Buffalo, NY



  • Dr. Shatkin has been performing breast augmentation surgery using both silicone and saline-filled breast implants since 1989. He was an investigator in the FDA protocol study of silicone implants, prior to their approval in 2006.

  • Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty or breast implantation, is a surgical enhancement procedure that increases the size and shape of the woman’s breastBreast implants surgery will make the breasts larger, giving more fullness and projection, while maintaining some of the general characteristics of the individual breast appearance.

    Breast implant surgery is a common procedure that can help women who are unhappy with their breastsize or that have changed because of weight loss or pregnancy.


    The reasons for considering breast augmentation:

    • Enhance the size of the breast
    • Equalize the difference in breast cup size or make them symmetrical
    • Reconstruct the breasts following mastectomy or other deformity

    General procedure

    Breast augmentation involves making an incision behind the breast and inserting a breast implant into a pocket. This operation can be performed either in Dr. Shatkin's fully-accredited office based surgery center at the Aesthetic Associates Center, or in a hospital setting.
    The operation typically takes less than two hours. The breast implants can be placed either above or below the muscle, and the decision on where to place this will be determined during consultation. The operation can be done either under intravenous sedation or under general anesthesia in the hospital.


    The patient is required to rest after the surgery and limit her arm activity to allow for proper healing. The patient will be wrapped after the surgery and Dr. Shatkin will remove the bandages the next day, after which the patient will be allowed to shower. Pain is usually minimal to moderate and requires only oral medication for comfort. Dr. Shatkin will allow the patient to resume driving and often return to work with limited physical activity after five days.


    There are several potential complications that can occur, but most of them are very rare. During the consultation, Dr. Shatkin and his staff will cover these possibilities to assure a good understanding of the operation and the potential risks.

  • Photos


  • 23 Year old 286 cc PrePectoral/SubFascial Silicone Gel Implants 4 year post op

  • Click Here to view Breast Implant Photos of patients of Dr. Shatkin


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